Fire Safety Inspections
In today's society, the role of a fire inspector/code enforcer is no longer viewed as an isolated function, but is becoming more active and involved every day. For an effective inspection/code enforcement program, knowledge of the physical structures in our community is essential. Through communications and the cooperation of business owners, enforcement of the codes enhances effective community fire safety.
At times, we find it difficult to convince business owners to spend money to update their buildings to code. We explain to them that the benefits are numerous; such as, the reduction of hazards, the improvement of fire safe structures, minimization of the chances of fire death and injuries, the reduction of hazards for fire fighters, property loss and fire insurance costs. It increases community awareness and makes code enforcement easier, thus improving the image of the City.
Fire inspections provide us an opportunity to promote (with owners and employees) good will and understanding about our job and its responsibility toward fire prevention. Inspections also give the fire fighters an occasion to become familiar with the occupancy floor plan.
Officers and fire fighters conduct routine fire inspections. Each of the three shifts is responsible for completing approximately a third of the inspections. The shifts have an assigned lead inspector that operates under the guidance of the Lieutenant in charge of Fire Code Management. These three individuals are responsible for the associated administrative duties such as answering code questions, authoring compliance letters, assigning inspection duties, and maintenance of records.