City Assessor
Detailed parcel, owner, and payment information can be found at:
Tax payments can be made at City Hall, on the first floor, at the Customer Service Window.
To make a proper assessment on a building, it is desirable for the Assessor to see the inside and the outside of the property. The law requires that property be valued from actual view or the best information available. The Assessor keeps records on the physical characteristics of each property in the municipality. Even though the Assessor may have been unable to go through your property, the assessment will still be reviewed, based on the existing records and the sales of similar properties.
Just as in many other fields, computers are useful in the assessment process. Assessors are trained to look for relationships between property characteristics and market value. By coding these characteristics and studying sale prices, Assessors can estimate value by developing formulas and models. Computers are much faster and are capable of advanced analysis in this area. Despite these capabilities, common sense and Assessor judgment are always required to verify assessments. Assessors most familiar with the neighborhoods and properties review all assessments.
Wisconsin Law requires market value assessments of all property. The City of Two Rivers Assessor's Office is mandated by statute to be at or above 90% of market value at least once every four years to keep pace with changes in the local market. During a revaluation, all assessments are examined and adjustments are made where necessary to guarantee that all property is assessed at market value. This is done to assure that taxes are distributed equitably and uniformly.
Market value is defined as the amount a typical, well-informed purchaser would be willing to pay for a property, the seller and buyer must be unrelated, the seller must be willing, but not under pressure to sell, and the buyer must be willing, but not under any obligation to buy. The property must be on the market for a reasonable length of time, the payment must be in cash or its equivalent, and the financing must be typical for that type of property. If all of these conditions were present, this would be a market value, arm's-length sale.
The Assessor is a State certified individual whose duties are to discover, list, and place a value on all taxable real and personal property in the city, in a uniform manner. The Assessor is not involved in the collection of property taxes.
Generally speaking, improvements that increase the market value of a property will increase the assessed value. The following are typical items that will increase the assessed value of your property:
- Added rooms or garages
- Replacing asbestos or wood siding with aluminum or vinyl siding
- Substantial modernization of kitchens or baths
- Central air conditioning
- Fireplaces
- Extensive remodeling
When an interior inspection is not allowed, the Assessor will attempt to update the records by looking at the property from the outside and using any other available information. To ensure an accurate assessment, it is to your advantage to allow the Assessor inside your property when an inspection is requested. By denying an inspection, you may lose the right to appeal your assessment to the Board of Review.
Good maintenance will help retain the market value of your property. Generally, your assessment will not be increased for individual minor repairs such as those that follow; however, a combination of several of these items could result in an increased assessment:
- Repairing concrete walks and driveways
- Replacing gutters and downspouts
- Replacing hot water heater
- Repairing porches and steps
- Repairing original siding
- Patching or repairing interior walls and ceilings
- Exterior painting
- Exterior awnings and shutters
- Weather stripping, screens, storm windows, doors
- Exterior landscaping including lawns, shrubbery, trees, flowers
City Clerk's Office
At all regular City Council meetings there is a item on the agenda which is "Input from the Public," at that time, anyone can address the City Council. There is usually a 3 minute time limit. If you feel as though you need to address the City Council for longer than three minutes, please contact the City Manager's Office at (920)793-5532 to discuss adding the item you wish to address on the City Council's Agenda.
City Council, Boards, Committees, and Commissions meetings are located on the City of Two Rivers Events Calendar and can also be found on the Agendas and Minutes page. If you do not see the meeting you are looking for, please contact the Deputy City Clerk at (920)793-5532.
Find your polling place, view your polling place hours and directions on My Vote.
You can find a list of current Council members on the City Council page.
You can also find information about who serves on different city committees by visiting the Boards, Commissions, and Committees page.
Customer Service
As a general rule of thumb, you are required to have one sticker per 30 gallons of trash. You can see more specifics about the trash stickers here, on the trash and recycling page. You can also contact Manitowoc Disposal directly at (920) 682-7750
You can either call Customer Service directly at (920) 793-5523, or come to the service window, located on the first floor of City Hall.
Tax payments can be made at City Hall, on the first floor, at the Customer Service Window.
Utility payments can be made at City Hall, on the first floor, at the Customer Service Window.
Payments can also be made online by clicking:
Tax payments can be made at City Hall, on the first floor, at the Customer Service Window.
Detailed parcel, owner, and payment information can be found at:
Yes, for utilities and property taxes.
Tax bills are usually sent out around December 10th of each year. However, this is dependent on all taxing entities getting their information to the City of Two Rivers in a timely manner so we can prepare the bills.
Taxes are due in full by January 31st; or in three installments which are due January 31st, March 31st and July 31st.
Fire Department
Yes, for more information click on the "Services" link left side of page and look for "CPR Classes". For all other inquiries on classes offered, call the fire department at (920) 793-5521.
Yes, for information on hospital equipment click on the "Hospital Equipment Fund" link to the left.
Because twigs and branches are considered a recycleable material, we are no longer offering permits to burn them. The Recycling Center on Woodland Drive will gladly accept your leaves, grass, twigs, and branches.
Wisconsin law requires both owner-occupied and rental homes and other residential buildings to be protected by smoke alarms.
For one-family and two-family dwellings, the owner must install at least one smoke alarm on each floor level of each unit, including the basement and any finished attic. It is recommended that they first be placed between each sleeping area and the rest of the house, then above the base of any stairs on other levels.
Additionally, for new construction, smoke alarms must be installed inside each sleeping room.
On floor levels that contain one or more sleeping area, an alarm shall be installed outside of the sleeping rooms in the vicinity of each sleeping area. Also, new construction requires smoke alarms to be continuously powered by the house electrical service, and shall be interconnected so that activation of one detector will cause activation of all detectors.
For multi-unit housing, the owner must install at least one alarm: in the basement; at the head of open stairs; at the door leading to enclosed stairs at each floor level; and within 6 feet of each living unit's sleeping area(s).
Owners must install and maintain them, and tenants must inform the owner of any alarm problems.To maintain smoke detectors, test smoke alarms every month by pressing their test buttons. If your alarms use regular batteries, swap in fresh batteries at least once a year. A “chirping” sound means that it's time to change batteries. Because alarm sensors wear out, replace each alarm at least every 10 years.
Yes. In almost all cases, your choice of either Aurora Medical Center or Holy Family Memorial Medical Center will be acceptable. However, in the event your medical condition requires immediate attention by a physician, Paramedics will transport you to the closest hospital. The Paramedics will inform you and or your family why this is being done to avoid any confusion.
Yes. For information on fire pits and burning ordinances, click on the "Municipal Code" link on the left side of this page. Scroll to Title 3: Safety and select Chapter 3-1 Police and Fire Prevention and then select 3-1-3 Bonfires; recreational fires.
All alarms must be Underwriters Laboratories (UL) or equivalent listed smoke alarms either of the ionization or photo-electric type.
For further information, stop by the fire department at 2122 Monroe Street, and pick up a brochure.
Waste Oil:
Two Rivers:
Public Works Department (do not leave your container)
Al's Transmission and Auto
Manitowoc Fire Department, Station #1Valders:
C&D Transmission and Auto Repair
M&S Auto Service Center
Valders CooperativeKiel:
Rumpff's School Hill GarageAnti-Freeze:
Valders Cooperative
Nelson Truck, ManitowocWaste Tires:
Manitowoc County Materials Recycling Center, 3000 Basswood Road, Manitowoc
Residents or Businesses with piles of tires should contact (920) 683-4333 for info.Latex Paint:
Suggestions: Open can and let dry, set out for normal garbage. Donate to friend or community group/school. Mix for a new color.
Oil Base Paints, Solvents, Herbicides, Pesticides, and other Chemicals:
Items like these can be disposed of at the Spring Clean Sweep held at the Manitowoc County Expo.
For more information, contact the Manitowoc County Materials Recycling Center at (920) 683-4333
Nathan Klein from Klein Hardware Hank is available for assistance with fire extinguishers. He can be reached at (920) 901-8008.
Inspections Zoning and Planning
No portion of an accessory building may closer than three feet to a property line. There are total side yard regulations based on zoning district and lot width. Accessory buildings may be located in rear and interior side yards. Accessory buildings shall not be located in an easement. A site plan and construction drawings (drawn to scale) may be required when applying for a permit to verify the building will not exceed the buildable area allowed on the premises and the location complies with the ordinance setbacks.
A permit is required, except for "kiddie pools". A kiddie pool is defined as a portable pool with a maximum surface area of 40 square feet and 24 inches high. Please see the swimming pool application in the Forms and Documents section.
A permit is not required to install a fence. However, there are height and area regulations based on the fence design, location of the fence, and proximity to driveways and intersections. Please see the "Fencing & Screening" information in the Forms and Documents section for details.
Electrical permits may be issued to the owner/occupant of a one-family dwelling. Permits may be issued to licensed electricians for rental, vacant, commercial and industrial buildings. The electrician is responsible to obtain the electrical permit.
When a fence is constructed in a manner in which a supporting framework or posts can be construed to be the back side, the fence shall be installed so that the front (good side) faces outward toward the abutting property.
Handrail height: 30" - 38"
Guardrail height: 36" minimum
Spindle spacing: 4' maximum
Footrail spacing: 4" maximum for landings and decks
Stair tread: 9" minimum
Stair rise: 8" minimum (all stairs shall have uniform run and rise)Note: Guard and handrails are not required for open porches and decks less than 24" above grade.
Rummage/Garage sales may not exceed four consecutive days of operation. Maximum of two event per calendar year. One rummage/garage sale sign per property with the owner's permission provided such sign is not erected more than 24 hours prior to the sale and removed when the sale is over. Signs shall not exceed three feet in height nor six square feet in area. The signs may not be located in the terrace (between the sidewalk & curb), attached to signs in the right-of-way or attached to vehicles parked on a City street.
Maximum height is 20 feet or the height of the dwelling, whichever is less.
Footings, prior to pouring concrete
Foundation, prior to backfill
Rough-in framing, prior to insulating or covering walls
Electrical, prior to covering electrical work
Plumbing, prior to covering plumbing work
Insulation and vapor barrier, prior to covering walls
Final inspectionThe above list are examples. Required inspections are based on the scope of the project. Contact the Inspections Department to inquire what inspections may be necessary for your project 920-793-5566
For minor repairs or alterations costing less than $1,000 which do not change the occupancy, area, structural strength, fire protection, exists, entrances, lighting or ventilation of a structure. Examples include: Interior or exterior painting, draperies, blinds, carpet, flooring, uncovered patios on grade and replacing light fixtures.
For new construction, replacement of heating and cooling units/equipment, additions or alterations to the distribution system.
Permits may be issued to owner/occupants of a 1 & 2 family dwelling or a license contractor. Owners may not obtain permits for a structure with 3 or more residential units or a commercial/industrial structure.
Moving structures from one location to another on the same premises and moving structures into or out of the city.
For new construction, additions and alterations to existing plumbing fixtures and equipment.
Permits may be issued to owner/occupants of a 1 & 2 family dwelling or a license contractor. Owners may not obtain permits for a structure with 3 or more residential units or a commercial/industrial structure. -
When any structure or portion of any structure is being demolished.
For new construction, service changes, additions and alterations to existing structures.
Permits may be issued to owner/occupants of a 1 & 2 family dwelling or a license contractor. Owners may not obtain permits for a structure with 3 or more residential units or a commercial/industrial structure. -
For new construction, accessory buildings, porches, decks, additions, alterations, repairs, moving of structures on the same premises.
Permits may be issued to owner/occupants of a 1 & 2 family dwelling or a license contractor for residential projects. Owners or contactors may obtain permits for a structure with 3 or more residential units, commercial, buildings and industrial structures.
Municipal Court
No, they don't go away. These unpaid fines can prevent you; from getting a driver's license, your State refund check, ruin your credit, and even get you brought in before the Judge.
You may do the following:
- Pay the ticket before the court date as stated on the ticket -OR-
- Appear in court on the court date and enter your plea of "not guilty", "guilty", or "no contest" -OR-
- Write a letter to the court before the court date and enter a plea of "not guilty" at which time you will be sent a notice to appear for a pre-trial conference with the City's Prosecutor.
If the citation is marked "Mandatory", you must appear.
Failure to pay your fine by the due date will result in one or more of the following actions being taken: A commitment will be issued, your driver's license will be suspended, we will intercept you State Tax Refund, and/or refer your debt to a collection agency.
If you can not pay your fine by the due date and to avoid the above actions being taken, you must contact the Municipal Court Clerk or the Police Department's Administrative Lieutenant to get approval for an extension. This will generally be granted provided you have made a significant effort to pay the fine by the due date.
Installment Payment Plans will be offered to a traffic offender who is unable to pay a forfeiture because of poverty before the offender's driver's license is suspended. (Effective date of June 13, 2009)
If you do not take one of the above options, on the day you were to appear in court, you may be defaulted and found guilty as charged.
If you signed a personal recognizance bond, a notice will be sent that you were found guilty and your fine will be due by a particular date.
If you did NOT sign a personal recognizance bond, a warrant will be issued for your arrest for non-appearance.
Parks and Recreation
Animals are prohibited at Neshotah Beach from May 1 through September 30 of each year, except that leashed animals are permitted between the hours of 6:00 AM and 10:00 AM.
For purposes of this ordinance, Neshotah Beach is defined as the area at Neshotah Park lying between the lakeward edge of the concrete Beachwalk beach parking lots and the waters of Lake Michigan, inclusive of the concrete beachwalk. Said area shall extend from the north pavement edge of the northernmost beach parking lot, as extended to Lake Michigan, to the south pavement edge of the southernmost parking lot, as similarly extended.
Continue reading ordinance
In Summary:
- No leash required on public beach along Mariners Trail.
- Leash required on beach from North pier to southernmost Neshotah Beach parking lot.
- No dogs allowed on Neshotah Beach, regardless of leash, from May 1st to September 30th, 10:00 am – 11:00 pm. However, leashed dogs are permitted from 6:00 am – 10:00 am on Neshotah Beach.
Visit the website here secure.rec1.com/WI/two-rivers-wi/catalog
Two Rivers continues to have needs for benches at the new park at Neshotah. If you are interested in donating to one of those locations contact the Recreation Department at (920-793-5592) or click here.
Daily 6:00 AM - 11:00 PM
Mon - Fri 6am - 8pm
Sat & Sun 7am - 6pm
We do not have discount attraction tickets available this year 2024.
December 13
We are excited to introduce our new J.E. Hamilton Community House Gym Calendar!
By clicking on the link below, it will bring you to the calendar for the gym updated in real time so you won't have to wonder if the gym will be open to the public!
Please note that this calendar shows you when the gym is being RENTED, so any other time during normal Community House Business Hours it would be available for use. Normal hours are Monday-Friday 6am-8pm and Saturday-Sunday 7am-6pm.
Click here to see the calendar.
Open Gym Rules
- Kids Must Stay in the Gym
- All kids must remain in the gym while they are in the building. Wandering around other areas is not allowed.
- No Food Allowed in the Gym
- To maintain cleanliness and ensure safety, no food is permitted inside the gym at any time.
- No Running Through the Lobby or Stairways
- For the safety of all participants and visitors, running is prohibited in the lobby and stairway areas.
- No Cursing
- Respectful language is expected at all times. Cursing or use of offensive language is strictly forbidden.
- No Loud or Disruptive Behavior
- Please be considerate of others. Loud or disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.
- Stay Off the Stage
- The stage area is off-limits during open gym hours. Please do not climb or play on the stage.
- Open to Kids in Grades 6 and Up
- The open gym is available to children in grades 6 and up.
Failure to follow open gym rules could result in disciplinary action up to suspension or a no trespass order without verbal or written warning based on severity.
- Kids Must Stay in the Gym
Police Department
While an officer may become aware of a vehicle parked longer than the 48 hours allowed, citizens know their own neighborhood better. Call us and give us the location and a description of the vehicle, including license number (if available). A report will be generated and an officer will be assigned to initiate an investigation. An officer will then be assigned after 48 hours to determine if the vehicle had been moved. If it hasn't, a parking ticket will be issued. The vehicle will stay on our list for another 48 hours and ticketed again. A vehicle that remains beyond this can be deemed abandoned. A process then begins to identify and locate the owner. If the owner cannot be located or if there is continued non-compliance, the Police Department can tow the vehicle. The abandonment process continues after this. To make such a report, you can call our dispatch center at 920-686-7200 or stop at the Police Department to make a report.
Find information on Wisconsin's top consumer complaints, get the facts on deceptive business practices and scams. Consumer Protection Hotline: 1-800-422-7128 Or; Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection website: http://datcp.state.wi.us/core/consumerinfo/
Yes there is. Curfew hours for all children 17 years old and younger are:
11:00 PM until 5:00 AM Sunday through Thursday and;
12:00 AM until 5:00 AM on any Saturday or Sunday morning.
A minor (a child 17 years of age or younger) commits an offense if the minor remains in any public place or on the premises of any establishment within the City during curfew hours.
A parent or guardian of a minor commits an offense if the parent or guardian knowingly permits, or by insufficient control, allows the minor to remain in any public place or on the premises of any establishment within the City during curfew hours.
The owner, operator, or any employee of an establishment commits an offense if the owner, operator, or any employee knowingly allows a minor to remain upon the premises of the establishment during curfew hours.
There are exceptions:
a. If the minor is accompanied by the minor's parent or guardian;
b. Is in a motor vehicle in interstate travel;
c. Is engaged in any employment activity or going to or returning home from an employment activity, without any detour or stop;
d. Is involved in an emergency;
e. Is on the sidewalk abutting the minor's residence or abutting the residence of a next door neighbor if the neighbor did not complain to the Police Department about the minor's presence;
f. Attending an official school, religious, or other recreational activity supervised by adults and sponsored by the City of Two Rivers, a civic organization, a religious organization, or other similar entity that takes responsibility for the minor or going to or returning home from, without detour or stop, one of the above mentioned recreational activities.
g. Is exercising first amendment rights protected by the United States Constitution such as free exercise of religion, freedom of speech and the right of assembly; or
h. Is married or had been married or had disabilities of minority removed in accordance with Wisconsin Law.
Pamphlets which explain more detail, including penalties, are available at the Two Rivers Police Department.
Only if the officer specified that requirement on the warning notice. Otherwise your signature is valid proof that the defect was repaired or corrected. Please follow the instructions on the warning notice.
You can report incidents such as these to the Two Rivers Police Department in a number of ways.
1. You can call our dispatch center at 920-686-7200
2. You can stop down at the police department to report the matter in person.
3. You can fill-out and submit our "Blighted Properties and Junk Vehicles Form" on this web-site. Go to our "Forms & Documents" or the link in our Services section.
Ordinance 9-2-5 prohibits loud and unnecessary noise and sets limits for day and night. In a residential zone, noise during the daytime (7AM-10PM) may not exceed 60 decibels. At night (10PM-7AM), noise may not exceed 50 decibels. Those readings are taken from the lot line of the nearest complainant. At night, no stereo or amplification device may be played in such a way that it is plainly audible at the property line of the building, structure, or vehicle in which it's located. There are some exceptions for construction noise. Fines for violations can run over $100. Contact the police department with further questions in regard to this ordinance or read the ordinance here.
For the purpose of this question, a "trailer" is defined to mean any unpowered vehicle or device designed for carrying property or passengers wholly on its own structure and for being drawn by a motor vehicle on a road, street or highway. The most common trailer(s) dealt with are boat, camper, utility and construction trailers.
This ordinance directs that no person shall park, store or maintain any trailer on any city street in any residential area in the City of Two Rivers between the hours of 2:00 AM and 6:00 AM, unless the trailer is attached to a motor vehicle that is in operating, and licensed, condition.
The exception to this ordinance is that it shall not apply to trailers being used by contractors, while rendering services to a property, parked on the street if the trailer is lawfully parked on the street next to the construction location and the trailer does not present a traffic hazard.
Authority - Two Rivers Municipal Ordinance 8-2-13It is also contrary to City ordinance to park any vehicle, boat or "trailer" on any street or at any parking lot continuously for more than 48 hours.
Authority - Two Rivers Municipal Ordinance 8-2-3 -
The terrace is the land between the normal location of the street curbing and sidewalk. Where there is no sidewalk, the area four foot, six inches from the curb line shall be deemed to be the terrace for the purpose of this section.
Municipal Ordinance 8-2-11, Parking On Terrace, states that (a) No person shall park any vehicle, boat or trailer on a terrace unless they have received a permit to do so from the Chief of Police. (b) The Chief of Police may issue a permit to park on the terrace, between December 1 and March 15, when the person receiving permission is the owner or tenant of the adjoining property, and (1) When that person has exhausted all available parking facilities on his property, and (2) When parking on the terrace will not inhibit snow removal or interfere with public safety, and/or public welfare. (c) If permission to park on the terrace is received, all parking ordinances which are in effect for this area must be observed, except Section 8-2-4 of the City Code entitled, "All Night Parking Prohibited." The Chief of Police may impose additional conditions and restrictions as he deems necessary, and shall include same in said permit. (d) The permit shall be effective from December 1 through March 15 of each year. The permit my be rescinded by the Chief of Police if the permit holder fails to conform to all the conditions of the permit.
Winter parking restrictions are in effect December 1st to March 15th. During this period parking is prohibited on ANY PUBLIC STREET or in ANY MUNICIPAL PARKING LOT between 1:00 AM and 6:00 AM. In business areas, parking is limited to one hour between 1:30 AM and 6:00 AM. Parking is allowed on Christmas Day (December 25) and New Year's Day (January 1st) unless a snow emergency is declared. Frequently the City of Two Rivers will suspend the parking ban when above average temperatures, pleasant weather, and there is no need for street cleaning in the forecast. When the ban is suspended, the City will post that information on the East Park St digital sign and the City of Two Rivers Facebook, and we will share that information on our Facebook page.
Search Tips and Tricks
Yes. The website indexes web pages as well as PDFs, Microsoft Office documents, and text documents.
No. By default, the search results will show matches for any word within the phrase. In this example, you would receive results for all web pages and documents that contained either the word alarm or the word permit or both.
In order to search on an exact phrase, enclose your search phrase in quotations. The search results for "alarm permit" will show matches for that exact phrase.
Yes. You can exclude words by using the minus sign (-). In order to find the results of all pages that have alarm in the result but not permit, you would search for alarm -permit.