Emergency Operations Safety
Safety is a concern that is constantly present throughout every operation of the department. Obvious, as well as hidden dangers are present at every emergent and non-emergent operation. These dangers range from the obvious threats of fire, smoke, and hazardous materials to the often hidden, but equally fatal threats of infectious disease, and critical incident stress that are confronted at many emergency incidents.
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), requires all fire departments to appoint a department safety officer and has developed a national standard outlining the duties and responsibilities of the Safety Officer. NFPA 1521, the standard for Fire Department Safety Officer, covers health, safety, wellness program management duties, as well as, the responsibilities of the Safety Officer during an emergency incident. The NFPA gives the Safety Officer the authority to alter, suspend, or terminate unsafe acts or hazardous activities.
Continuing education is an essential part of the Safety Officer's role in the Two Rivers Fire Department. However, safety is the responsibility of everyone in the TRFD and its importance is demonstrated through the actions and continuing education of all department members.
A primary element of the safety effort includes a safety committee comprised of a cross section of department members. This committee meets periodically to address safety issues of the department.