Election Information
February 18, 2025 Spring Primary Election Information:
293 ballots returned of 526 ballots sent for the February 18, 2025 Spring Primary.
No provisional ballots cast.
In-Person Absentee voting starts on Tuesday, February 4, 2025
In-Person Absentee Voting Hours:
Tuesday - Thursday (February 4 - February 6): 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday (February 7) 7:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Monday - Friday (February 10 - February 14) 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
To request an absentee ballot by mail, register to voting, find out your polling place or view a sample ballot, visit myvote.wi.gov
Interested in learning more about the absentee process in the City of Two Rivers? Click on the video below:
2025 Elections:
Tuesday, February 18 - Spring Primary
Tuesday, April 1 - Spring Election
Wisconsin Elections to be Held per State Statute
Spring Primary:
Primary held on the 3rd Tuesday in February to nominate nonpartisan candidates to be voted for at the Spring Election.
Spring Election:
Election held on the 1st Tuesday in April to elect judicial, educational and municipal officers, nonpartisan county officers, and to express preferences for the person to be the presidential candidate for each party in a year in which electors for president and vice president are to be elected.
Fall Primary:
Primary held in even-numbered years on the 2nd Tuesday in August, to nominate candidates to be voted for at the General Election.
General Election:
Election held in even-numbered years on the Tuesday after the 1st Monday in November to elect United States senators, representatives in congress, presidential electors, state senators, representatives to the assembly, district attorneys, state officers other than the state superintendent and judicial officers, and county officers other than supervisors and county executives